
GreenFaith is an interfaith coalition for the environment that works with houses of worship, religious schools, and people of all faiths to help them become better environmental stewards.

We believe in addressing environmental issues holistically, and are committed to being a one-stop shop for the resources and tools religious institutions need to engage environmental issues and become religious-environmental leaders.

Interfaith Partners in Action for the Earth

An Episcopal Vision for Creation Care
Loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God’s creation

Interfaith Power and Light
Great resources for congregations

Keep an eye on the good news

    Creation Justice Ministrieshttps://www.creationjustice.org  A national ecumenical Christian organization with a mission to educate, equip, and mobilize faith communities to protect, restore, and more rightly share God’s creation. 

GreenFaith https://greenfaith.org  An interfaith environmental coalition seeking to educate, advocate and mobilize a worldwide network of local communities.

Congregational Programming

Season of Creation https://seasonofcreation.org  Resources for joining an annual Christians celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Together the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray, protect and advocate for God’s creation.

Care for Creation (a Franciscan Spirituality for the Earth) published by Franciscan Media.  Authors: Ilia Delio, O.S.F., Franciscan Keith Douglass Warner, O.F.M., and Pamela Wood.  Explores the Franciscan integration of faith and ecology and includes lots of parish resources.

Journey of the Universe by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker available in film format that can be streamed on Tubi as well as in book format. A youth curriculum and teacher’s guide based on the film is also available. https://www.journeyoftheuniverse.org/curriculum 

Kiss the Ground film: stories of people practicing “restorative agriculture.” Netflix


God’s Good Earth by Anne and Jeffrey Rowthorn (Liturgical Press) 52 prayer services, each around specific themes.

Earth Prayers Ed. By Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon. (Harper One)  A collection of prayers, poems and invocations from around the world.

The Green Bible (Harper Collins) Available at a reasonable price on Kindle. Contains reflections on how the Bible calls us to stewardship Creation by a diverse group of Christian writers.  Discussion guides and resources for congregations and families also included.

Advocating for Legislative Action in CT

People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE ) https://pacecleanenergy.org  Provides educational resources and support for local clean energy initiatives.  Especially helpful for congregations wishing to work on behalf of clean energy in their local communities.

Interreligious Eco-Justice Network (IREJN) https://irejn.org  A CT Interfaith Organization calling all people of faith to engage with the challenges of Climate Change.  Provides a variety of resources for congregations.

CT League of Conservation Voters http://www.ctlcv.org  Monitors and reports on all upcoming legislation of environmental importance and offers Action Alerts


New Labyrinth on the Shoreline Greenway trail in Branford.

Located across from Chet’s Pond, between Tabor Drive and Pine Orchard Road, “The Circle of Peace” Labyrinth designer Lisa Gidlow Moriarty is made of stones donated by Stony Creek Quarry.  Bill Ludwig, who helped bring the project to fruition, has made an extensive study of labyrints and will soon publish a field guide to labyrinths in CT and RI. 

Bill Ludwig’s Three R’s for walking a Labyrinth:

  1. Release
  2. Receive/reflect
  3. Return
  • Pause at the entryway to focus and slow your thoughts, releasing stresses.
  • Pause in the center to receive or reflect.
  • Return walking back out, following the same path.

https://greenfaith.org/   Interfaith Partners in Action for the Earth

Resources on Celtic Spirituality

  • John Philip Newell: Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality (Paulist Press) Newell is the co-founder of Heartbeat: A Sacred Journey Towards Earth’s Wellbeing.  The Heartbeat Foundation offers retreats and pilgrimages.  More information at www.heartbeatjourney.org
  • Christine Valters Paintner: The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred (Sorin Books). 
  • Retreats at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT.  For information visit www.mercybythesea.org

Recommended Reading